One whole Four Hills Farm leg of lamb, bone-in.
Pat dry, place in open roasting pan, fat side up.
Position the oven rack in the lower third of the oven. Pre-heat to 450 F

Combine in small bowl: 
1 tsp fresh rosemary or 1/2 tsp dried rosemary
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 or more chopped cloves of garlic

Rub the surface of the lamb roast with the oil, rosemary and garlic mixture

The garlic pieces should be evenly arranged on the top of the roast

For garlic lovers: take a sharp knife and tuck in garlic silvers into the meat by cutting small slits through out the top of the roast

Lightly salt and black pepper the roast


Place the uncovered roast in the hot oven and immediately turn the heat down to 325 F

Bake 30 minutes per pound or until a meat thermometer stuck in the thickest part of the roast reads:  135 F for slightly rare meat or 145 F for medium well done

Remove the roast and let it rest for 10 minutes, the roast internal temperature will rise 10 F after taking it out of the oven

Do not overcook the lamb roast as it could dry out and be tough

Use the pan dripping to make gravy.

Enjoy like a roast beef, only better!!!

© 2011 Four Hills Farm

© 2010 Ilse House • Front top photo: Keeton Communications